3 little Miracles

3 little Miracles

Monday, August 3, 2009

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

BUT today is MY FIRST Not Me Monday and I hope I get the concept correctly because I am so excited about the very idea of blogging with other mom's about the perfect Mom that I am on a daily basis.

Nope Not me!

Davey my oldest, has been sick with a very bad summer cold since last week and only got to attend 3 of his 5 swim classes, so this week I am determined that he will go and make every lesson this week. Because I also want Jonathan to also begin to feel safe and secure in the water I decided to get up early with both of the boys and cancel the baby sitter (my niece Calli) so he could go with Davey and have some time in the pool. So I got up early feed them the nutritious meal that I always feed the boys every morning and got out the door a half hour early so I can get gas in the car on the way to swim lessons 45 minutes away.

Nope Not me!

We did NOT get up early, We did NOT get out the door on time, and most certainly they did NOT eat a nutrtious breakfast before going and I didn't get one at all.

Knowing that I had two weeks worth of running to swim lessons round trip an hour and a half for the two weeks between our last paycheck and the next, I put money back in my account for gas money so I would have enough to fill up again. So I most certainly did not spend it on a new bathing suit that I found on ebay for Davey to replace the two he has that are too small.
Nope Not me!
I am always so layed back and relaxed with my boys and I never stress the small stuff. So, when my two boys went back to their bedroom and tore apart their bedroom just after I made the beds and picked up in there, I did not scream at them to get out of the room and that they weren't allowed back in there until they could play back there without destroying everything.

Nope Not me!


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