3 little Miracles

3 little Miracles

Monday, September 21, 2009

Nightstand of Books

I love to read BUT the side effect of that is a night stand FULL of books waiting for me to get to them. Books are like new friends waiting for their chance to introduce themselves and tell you the story of their lives. What I mostly like to read are works of fiction the charters‘, the places, the emotions that the author takes me as a reader is wonderful almost every time. Right now I am reading two books at the same time ;-) Crazy Love by Frances Chan and My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult.

I am reading Crazy Love as part of the Bloom blog book club and I am loving the interaction with other readers on the ning site talking about how Chan is drawing us through his in-depth look at the magnitude of God's love challenging the reader to really look at how to make our walk with the Father more consistent and more pure. We are only into chapter two but it really is an amazing read and I hope that others might be inspired to read it.

My Sister's Keeper is a hard story to read and I am only a few chapters into it. I can not imagine facing the illness of my child and searching for anyway possible for them to survive the disease that attacks their body. I would hope I would heavily lean in faith on the Father, but also trust that HE alone gave the skills to the medical field and that modern medicine would help my child in the fight of their life. I don’t know that I could make the choice that the mother and father in this book did, but I can’t stand in judgment of that because I have not and I pray I will not, ever be placed in that position. The story to unfold is obviously what the side effect of those choice did to the daughter they had to save their ill daughter and on the son lost in dealing with the first daughters disease. I know it will more then likely be a emotional roller coaster and I can’t wait to read more (when my boys give me time).

As for the other books on my list I am somehow a little obsessed with Tori Spelling, strange but she is my guilty pleasure to follow on Tori & Dean Home Sweet Hollywood and in her books. Guilty as charged! I also have 3 books from my favorite fictional author’s, Dawn’s Light by Blackstock, Nicholas Sparks newest book The Last Song, and The Ravenscar Dynasty by Barbara Taylor Bradford (last 2 not pictured because they were on their way from Amazon). Finally, I have a book by Charles Martin that my mom loved and wants me to read and I almost always have one of my design reference books in the stack so I can get inspired once in a while.

Sometimes I race through my reading stack like a starving man, and others times my reading stack seems to get out of control and my time to read through my new friends is few and far between. I seem to be going through the later right now.

I love my friends and many of them stay with me to be read over and over again. So my question to you is, what friends are on your night stand?


  1. Your blog is SO cute! I love how you did mine, but yours is just adoreable with all it's little pictures and stuff. Mine like a skeleton right now, I haven't filled out anything yet except for one short blog. lol

  2. THANKS The Design girl did mine, but we can work on getting yours adorable looking as you beging to follow more blogs and start using your blog more.
