3 little Miracles

3 little Miracles

Friday, December 11, 2009

26 Children's Christmas Books in 25 Days Day #11

Today the 2 little Boys read a really fun book called Santa's Big Sneeze by H. E. Todd, illustrated by Val Biro, this book is so sweet and funny and is one you need to check around for to read to the kids in your life.

""It was Christmas Eve - the middle of the night.  Bobby was sound asleep, dreaming a Christmas dream.  IN a flash he was awake.  What was that sound?  Was it part of his dream?  "AT-CHOO!"  There!  HEa heard it again!  He turned on the lamp.  There sat an old gentleman, He wore a read coat and a red cap.  He had a long white heard - and a handkershief up to his nose!""

Bobby and his family find out on Christmas Eve, in the middle of the night, that although we think of Santa as superhuman incapable of getting sick, he can and does . . . . . and sometimes at the worst time just like the rest of us.  However, the best part is that Bobby's family doesn't think twice, they think of Santa and how he needs a warm bed, hot water bottle, a cozy fire get some rest . . . .  and don't worry about the presents they will deliver the rest of them.

So Bobby and his dad find Santa's reindeer and sleigh and even though they have no idea which present belongs to which home, they do their best to finish Santa's job and deliver the presents.  When they get finished with their deliveries they make a cozy bed for the reindeer in the garage and then they fall into bed themselves and fall asleep right away.  But is that the end of the story?  No!  The Brewsters head out the next morning to go visit Grandpa on Christmas day only to find a lot of neighbors very confused, Mrs. Snyder got a box of cigars, Mr. Lampkin got a frilly nightgown, a 90 year old man got a baby rattle, and nine month old baby got a dictionary.  OOPS!

What would the Brewsters find when they get to Grandpa's house?  Grandpa calls out "Merry Christmas!" as he opens his door and says "Come see my present.  It's the BEST ever."  There in his living room floor is an electric train.  "I've wanted one of these all my life." says Grandpa.  Later that day Bobby's family holds a neighborhood Christmas party and the neighbor's exchange gifts and everyone ends up with what he or she wanted.

This book is so great in so many ways.  The Bresters had heart and the true Spirit of Christmas, they TOOK IN A STRANGER and took care of his needs without any thought of themselves.  As if the book needed any additional good message to share, it also shares the spirit of being KIND TO YOUR NEIGHBOR that God teaches us in His word.  Please take time to check this book out from your local library, it will be well worth your efforts to find it.


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