3 little Miracles

3 little Miracles

Monday, November 21, 2011

Day in the Life

Some mornings you wake up and wish you could turn back around and crawl back into bed . . . . .

Mine started with Jon waking up for the third morning in the row with a wet bed . . . . .
After taking David Jr to the bus stop I return to the house to get Jon ready for preschool and hopefully take a shower before leaving.  While I am in the shower Jon dumped half the fish food and the fish tank "clear water" chemical into the fish tank and all over the counter, wall and himself. . . . .  WHY it is called clear water I don't know, because it stains everything else it comes into contact with.

Take him off to preschool and use what should have been my quiet mommy time with Rachel at home, to clean the fish tank out (only for the fish to die later in the day).  We aren't telling Jon he murdered a fish today, that is a story for later in life, for now we will buy a new Oso and put him in the tank when the boys aren't watching.

Wash several loads of laundry, including the soiled bedding so that I can remake Jon's bed.

Pick up Jon and return home to make him lunch . . . . .
Try to keep Jon busy for a couple of hours before putting him down for a nap, in the mean time he takes the pillows off the sofa for the millionth time . . . . .
 Let the cat back in who had been playing outside . . . . .
 Only for him to barf on my white bedroom carpet . . . . . THANK YOU!
Get Jon settled for a nap and find he has left half of his lunch un-eaten and all over the table . . . . .
Feed Rachel, who always gives me a smile and makes everything else before my moment with her somewhat worth it . . . . .
After feeding little girl I put her down for a nap and manage to use the kids nap time to work on some photo edits from a recent photo shoot until it's time to get David Jr from the bus stop.

Lucky for me, little man comes home on GREEN and with no homework, so he goes upstairs to hang out with Grandma & Grandpa and I get to return to my work.

Hubby walks in the door around 4:10pm and I take a deep breath, because it's now a two person team . . . 

After that it's like a down hill slide, dinner, TV time, reading with the kids, and off to bed.

Hopefully tomorrow we will wake up and start the day dry, but even with the wet, the fish tank incident, the messy lunch, and the constant wrestling match for control with Jon . . . . I would do it again.  I am blessed beyond measure and I love my life.


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