3 little Miracles

3 little Miracles

Friday, February 18, 2011

New place to sleep

Our little Rachel finally graduated last night from THIS
She had already been napping in her bedroom in her big bed, but I was not comfortable with her being away from us at night.  We decided it was time to move her because when Rachel was awake, she was really thumping around within the small "walls" of her bassinet, and when she is in her crib for nap time she always ends up moving around a lot.  So, it was time for her to have more space to sleep in.  Rachel has been sleeping through the nights for a couple of months now, but her first night in her crib . . . . . she was very unsettled, HA go figure.  Normally she sleeps from around 9PM - 5:30AM but last night she woke up an hour after I went to bed, around 12:15AM and then again at 4:30AM.  I know she will adjust and so will we, but it was sad to move her to her room because I know she is the last baby to sleep in our room and moving her means she is already starting to grow up.   


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