3 little Miracles

3 little Miracles

Friday, October 21, 2011

One Year ago Today

Well Rachel, it's finally here, your 1st birthday!

It really is amazing how much you have grown and changed over the past year, we were so unsure of what development we would see over this first year but we are happy to say to us your growth is beautiful and perfect.  You are now sitting up and beginning to play with toys while in a sitting position, one of those things we weren't sure we would see in your first year.   We have tried our very best to make sure that we don't hold you back, but encourage you to stretch you abilities and keep  trying to manage the next developmental goal.  A year ago I wasn't sure I would get a chance to do more then brush my fingers upon your check and touch the tips of your fingers, but with God's grace and mercy you survived that first night and the three weeks to follow and you have thrived and become such a bright beautiful spot in our lives that we could not image being gone for even a second.  You truly are our Miracle!
*Note from October 22nd - We celebrated your birthday with family and friends here at home with a backyard Halloween themed party with Purple, Green &, Orange being the main colors we decorated around.  We of course had a little touch of pink with your personal cupcake and of course your 1st Booday outfit.  Sadly, you were a little under the weather because you had your 1 year physical on your birthday and the side effects from the shots were leaving you with a fever.  You had about 35 guests come out for your party, we asked everyone to consider bringing gifts for the Ronald McDonald house to be donated in your name in place of a personal gift for you, although you still managed to get some cute things.  Our family and friends blessed us and we gathered over $100 in gift cards and 4 large grocery bags worth of items to take to the McDonald house.  Your party was wonderful and we truly felt the blessing and love once again of all of those that supported us the day you were born and the weeks you were in the NICU.

You Currently Weigh: 16 lbs 2 oz.
Length:  27"
(This puts you in the 50/50 for weight and length on the DS growth scale.  
You Wear: size 9-12 month's clothing and a size 3 diaper still AND you can still wear some of your 6 months clothes depending on the style.  
Feeding:  (3)  8 oz bottles of whole milk which we started about 3 weeks before your 1st birthday only because we were almost out of formula and we didn't want to buy another container when we were so close to being able to switch you to milk anyway, HA.  Your normal feeding schedule is the following
AM - Baby Yogurt (and 1 fruit if your really hungry) along with bottle
Lunch Time - 1 Fruit and 1 Protein along with another bottle, sometimes I replace this with juice
PM -  Whatever the family is eating OR Protein Jar and a Fruit Jar
You have your final milk bottle while in your Daddies arms as you drift off to sleep drinking about 8:30PM.

We held off on your cupcake birthday candle ceremony until you were feeling a bit better from the bad cold you had and the side effects from your shots during your physical on your birthday.  BUT, when we finally did it you had a blast with your hot pink cupcake!
You are still doing physical therapy and it has been increased to once a week to help you develop stronger sitting and pulling up skills.  Ms. Kathy comes to our home and she works with you for an hour, you are an amazing trooper and you work through the hour with little complaint and over the past month you actually seem to enjoy it.

Taking a few steps with Daddy
We are excited to watch you grow and begin to take your first steps.  We wish sometimes we could keep you small forever, but our gift from God was to raise you up in His ways and watch you become the young woman He guides you to be.  Already it seems He is guiding you to be a very bright STAR!

You can read Rachel's pregnancy testimony Here and her birth testimony Here


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