3 little Miracles

3 little Miracles

Friday, July 29, 2016

Living in the &

People see the Ampersand symbol on our Mary&Martha products and wonder what is that all about?

The & in our slogan Living in the & refers to
Having Faith AND Works
its about being a Mary AND a Martha
its about having a heart for God AND serving people practically in our world today.
When you see an & it should remind you to keep you mind focused on eternal things
like relationships and to serve others through the details like Martha did for Jesus.

Next time you see the & symbol let it remind you
our focus should be on eternal things
and let it remind you can do that through serving others.

If you would like to find out more about Mary&Martha, our products and business, contact me through my website http://www.mymaryandmartha.com/lauracole or through my facebook business page @lauraannmaryandmartha


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