3 little Miracles

3 little Miracles

Monday, March 28, 2011

Yellow Haze

I love spring, but this is the one part I don't care for . . . . . the YELLOW HAZE of eastern North Carolina.

Every spring the pollen literally fills the air and covers everything in sight.
It turns cars into drawing boards and from their original color to YELLOW.
It fills puddles and ponds with yellow swirls of pollen.
And turns a sun shinny day into a day that looks like the fog in San Diego.

The Yellow Haze of Pollen in eastern North Carolina is temporarily washed with rain, but always seems to come back worse then days before when the rain has passed.  Hopefully the rain we have had over the weekend and will have most of this week will wash the pollen literally down the drains and myself and other allergy sufferers will not have to have sinus infections and headaches during pollen season.

However, the blessing of the YELLOW HAZE is that God is ready to wave His hand over the trees and flowers and make them POP with life and the bright color of FRESH GREEN will follow the HAZE OF YELLOW.


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