3 little Miracles

3 little Miracles

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Something NEW that I have come to enjoy

Over Christmas break Davey's preschool teacher sent home 70 worksheets (some back and front) for him to work on over the holidays.  The worksheets covered the same letters, numbers, and shapes that his class had worked on the first half of the school year.  So, to encourage him to keep up with the school routine, I took the 70 worksheets and divided them up into packets that covered 11 of his 14 day break.  Each day I let Davey select which packet he wanted to do, and which worksheet he wanted to do first.
To my surprise Davey really enjoyed his "homework" time with me, his dad, or grandma.  We selected a time when Jon was down for a nap or after Dad was home from work, then we went into our bedroom and set up camp on the bed with the crayon box, lap board, and no distractions.  By the end of the Christmas break Davey got really good at writing his name (as good as a 4 year old can get), his teacher even commented on how well he is writing his name since he got back from break.
Yesterday out of the blue Davey ASKED me to do homework, so I went to the office to hunt for some other worksheets his teacher had sent home at other times that he never did and he and I sat down for some quiet time with bright colors, letters, numbers, and shapes.
I sure hope that he will always enjoy his school work!


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