3 little Miracles

3 little Miracles

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

1st Day of Preschool

This is the boys first day of preschool,it is Davey's final year of preschool and Jonathan's first.  Davey was so excited to get back to his school friends and Jon very quickly caught onto his energy.  Of course the main thing on Jon's mind was wearing his new backpack and he sure did look cute with it on.

First day was a little frustrating for me because the preschool did two things different this year.  1.)  The made the first day a 1/2 day so instead of being there from 8:30 - 12:00, I had to go back to pick them up at 10:30.  They said they were doing this so the kids could adjust to being at school.  To me they can't adjust if it isn't how it will normally be.  2.)  They allowed parents to hang out today if they wanted to, which again to me makes things a little crazy, especially in Davey's class.  Davey is in a class of 18 kids, add to that the parents who decided to stay behind and the room was crowded, loud, and hot.

SO, I left for my workout even though Davey looked very unhappy with the situation and cried all the way to the gym as I prayed that the Father would bless their time at school.  I was crying for two different reasons, 1st being that the drop off didn't go as smooth as I had hoped and 2nd was that because of my stress over the craziness I missed connecting with Davey in his classroom before I left.  My sweet husband looked in his rearview mirror and saw that I was crying and sent me a text of LOVE before I hit the gym, he is wonderful.

BUT despite what craziness the drop off looked like, both of the boys had a great first day.  However, when I asked Davey about his day at school the first thing out of his mouth was "too many people".  Poor boy, quiet a shock to his little sensitive system when he was in a class of 6 last year.  I trust that my two little men will grow in maturity and knowledge of God this school year (they are at a Christian preschool) and I will daily pray for their school year that they will find joy in their instructions, play, and friends.

Daily laying it at the Master's feet!


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